Bulk Firmware Updates
Mark Feinberg
Updating firmware can be tedious, having to click on every client and update every device one by one. Would be great to have the option to
- Update all OvrC devices on a client site with one click
- Update all device types across all clients with one click (ie, update all Access Points (or at least all of the same model) across all clients at once)
EDIT: Ideally, we would be able to select the sites/devices with check boxes so it isn't all or none, but could still update in bulk.
Mark Feinberg
Evan Marty Kenny Kim it's time for my annual "any updates". It's sorta comical at this point. 5 years SINCE BEING MARKED AS PLANNED and nothing. If changes are this hard, y'all need a different platform or different developers.
Peter Nicholson
Having an option under the "Bulk Actions" drop-down in site device list would be so helpful. Even if it's just for Wattbox products to start with. I don't need (or want) an "Update all devices across all sites" button (although some might); I prefer to roll out firmware updates incrementally in case any issues arise.
We have a great need for this as well. So many resource hours is required to perform firmware updates on a client tennant. As well as bulk updating name changes to the specific appliances. How can there not be an import/export on the front end? If you get a client with 2,000 Wattboxes....and then have to upgrade the firmware......how long before your clients find a better product that has these features?
Evan Marty
Mark Feinberg thank you for holding our feet to the fire on this and it is something that we will deliver. When it comes to updating firmware, there is a ton of differing opinions from "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" to "I want automatic updates". Somewhere in between is the right answer that we will deliver. As we get closer to it, we will likely be putting out for beta users to provide feedback on. Stay tuned.
Blake Heath
Evan Marty definitely not automatic. Just the ability to check boxes for devices we want to update, then "update selected" or some such button in OvrC. "Ain't broke, don't fix" people simply don't wont have to do anything
Joe Rohloff
Blake Heath Automatic is a nice feature. Of course dependent upon the criticality of the device or the firmware "fixes". I agree with your checkbox idea, however an enrollment request/toggle for automatic updates is a very nice feature....one that should be available for anyone that understands the decision.
Blake Heath
Joe Rohloff I'd be afraid they would force everything to be automatic thereby taking the option away from us entirely. Things seem to be moving that direction in other facets of installation
Mark Feinberg
4 years and counting. Richard Griffin, how many trips around the earth are we at now :)
Evan Marty
Kenny Kim
Richard Griffin
Mark Feinberg as of today one could have driven the entire circumference the planet roughly 68.5 times at 50Mph. In addition roughly 220 million people have died globally since the original post.
Mark Feinberg
Evan Marty - any updates on this one too? It's been 3 years, 9 months and nothing. The lack of updates is painful
Mark Feinberg
Any update on this??
Ethan Barnes
Any update on this Bulk client Update Future , It would be a huge time saver when updating multiple clients equipment
Nathan Robison
Has this been made available yet? With the latest update available, we have hundreds of devices to be tediously updated. Are there no batch or group options yet for mass firmware updates?
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