Currently, once OVRC scans and adds a third party device to the site, it never lets go, and since it's scanning every VLAN without the ability to customize it, it clutters up the site with lots of unwanted devices that were once connected to the customer's wifi. Items that were never named/labeled in OVRC and remain offline, should be deleted from the device list after a certain retention time, say 10 days. OVRC also has a bad habit of showing that third party device as online no matter where in the world it's currently located. As long as that other network that is across the country also happens to have OVRC (often installed by a different OVRC/SnapOne partner), it insists that it's currently online at it's original geographical location. SnapOne refuses to do anything about it, because it won't delete a third party device from another dealer's network even if it has been offline for several years. Kind of a problem when we receive a warranty replacement from a vendor (warranty replacements are often refurbished products), and can't add it to OVRC because it's been added before. This goes along with another request I'm putting in separately, titled "Needs ability to scan only specific VLANs"