I was trying to use the remote login feature to login to some Access Network WAPS on my clients network. It seemed to correctly follow the links and redirects but at the last moment re-directed itself to our local network for that IP address. To explain - my clients WAP is at on their private network network across town. I used OVRC to remote connect to that WAP, like I have done a dozens of times with other clients. When OVRC finally made the last remote connection processes, it suddenly redirected to MY OWN local LAN address, which just happened to be a Araknis Network WAP on my local LAN. I tested this issue in the legacy version and could not reproduce it. It appears to only happen on the new version.
It appears that the connection port is missing in the new app for the Access Networks WAPS as well ( I see the port 443 link, but not the port 80 link ), FYI.